Lockout and Partial Stroke Test Kit


Lockout and Partial Stroke Test Kit


Lockout & Partial Stroke Test (“PST”) device can be purchased as a kit and is easily adapted to Easytork pneumatic actuators. Tight tolerance between lockout pin and lockout shaft allows set up in full close or open position and prevent any rotation of the valve. PST mechanically blocks movement to assure that there is no overshoot of test angle. This mechanical design does not use complicated software or fragile wiring and is failure free even with frequent PST testing.



Lockout and Partial Stroke Test Kit

Lockout and Partial Stroke Test Kit



Lockout & Partial Stroke Test (“PST”) device can be purchased as a kit and is easily adapted to Easytork pneumatic actuators. Tight tolerance between lockout pin and lockout shaft allows set up in full close or open position and prevent any rotation of the valve. PST mechanically blocks movement to assure that there is no overshoot of test angle. This mechanical design does not use complicated software or fragile wiring and is failure free even with frequent PST testing.



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